EARLY UW PICTURES (under construction)

August 18, 2010 § Leave a comment


Spear fishing was how recreational diving began, underwater photography and SCUBA followed from about the mid 1960’s, but did not gain any real momentum until the PADI scuba school arrived in 1971.


Corals struggle to attached themselves in the surf zone of the reef top.

Professional diver Eric Buchanan was injured on 25 February 1970.  The thermic lance e was using to cut a bronze blade from a ship propeller underwater, backfired and knocked him unconscious.  Eighteen years later Eric was still waiting for a payout from his insurance company that may have not arrived before he passed away.  He had sought pictures of his accident to use in court.




John Harding bought a Rolleimarin in 1965.  It wasn’t the most expensive underwater camera but was the most popular for keen cameramen.  The 120 film allowed 12 pictures per roll.  A bulb flash provided a good film in for a distance of two meters or less at F5.6 using 64 ASA or ISO Ektachrome.  Ron Taylor had a wide angle lens on his Rolleiflex 6x6cm camera this gave  better color  as a closer distance to subject could be used.  Most of the color pictures shown in Fathom were taken with Rolleiflex cameras.  Years later these would be rep[laced by 35mm models such as Nikonos.



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